Our Class is a Family

Friendship in Full Focus

At Sonnets Academy, fostering friendship is at the heart of the preschool experience. Young hearts connect as social skills blossom through imaginative play, art projects, circle time, and collaborative games. Preschoolers learn the value of teamwork and collaboration by sharing toys, taking turns, and exploring together, creating a strong foundation for social and emotional growth. Within a nurturing environment, children experience the joy of companionship as they laugh, play, and learn side-by-side. Children discover empathy and compassion as they lend a helping hand to their friends, extending kindness and understanding. This month, we focused on “family” and what that means to us as diverse classrooms full of unique individuals.

Teachers guide children to understand the importance of listening, respecting others' opinions, and valuing diverse perspectives. These invaluable life lessons support the formation of future healthy relationships that will enrich their lives for years to come.

Classroom Trees

By introducing activities that promote family bonds, such as family tree projects or discussions about family history and traditions, we help children feel connected to their roots while developing confidence and pride in sharing their stories.

  • Nurtures a sense of belonging

  • Promotes emotional well-being

  • Builds strong values

  • Strengthens cultural identity

Monkey See, Monkey Do…

Parallel play serves as a cornerstone for the foundation of social development, paving the way for future interactions.
As they sit near each other, infants joyfully exchange glances & imitate gestures, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences.


This month we had the opportunity to share unique facts about ourselves and our families with our friends. By cultivating relationships and embracing diversity, children discover who they are in relation to others while appreciating the beauty of various cultures and backgrounds.


Our early learning curriculum begins at early infancy and continues through prekindergarten, concentrating on the process through which children learn. Discovery-based play expands imagination, encourages sense of wonder and provides a diverse and comprehensive foundation for cognitive, social, emotional and creative growth that will shape their adolescence and adulthood. Learn more.