Sweet Home Chicago!

Discovering Places & Communities

Preschoolers and infants learn from observing and experiencing the world around them, and they begin to learn about geography by building on their natural curiosity about places. New learning opportunities are everywhere in our complex and dynamic city. For the month of April, our teachers created opportunities for children to understand more about our communities and the city we call home!

Let’s predict what we might find on a stroll around the block! What type of transportation & buildings do we see? What sounds and smells do we notice?

Experiencing Geography

Children will start to express beginnings of geographic thinking by attempting to locate objects & places in familiar environments. This month, we learned about how we get from place to place in our city by talking about transportation.

Our Favorite Places

Geographic themes can spark discussions of how places are alike or different from our own neighborhoods. Our Preschool & Pre-K classrooms reflected on their favorite, unique spots in their city and shared them with their friends.

Building Blocks of Fine Motor Skills

Over in our infant and toddler classrooms, we worked on on our fine motor skills, while we introduced new vocabulary related to our neighborhoods. We practiced stacking building blocks to create our very own sky scrapers!


Our early learning curriculum begins at early infancy and continues through prekindergarten, concentrating on the process through which children learn. Discovery-based play expands imagination, encourages sense of wonder and provides a diverse and comprehensive foundation for cognitive, social, emotional and creative growth that will shape their adolescence and adulthood. Learn more.